
Ikea // Pride by House of Noise

We did some audio restoration, mix and mastering on this project for IKEA x Pride to mark IDAHOBIT day 2021. Here’s what IKEA have to say about it:

“At IKEA, we’re passionate about ensuring that our co-workers and customers can be themselves 100% of the time, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Whilst as a society we’ve come a long way, we recognise that progress is difficult and requires work, guts and imagination – and there’s still work to be done. That’s why ahead of this year’s International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOBIT) – and LGBT+ Pride month in June – we’re taking a number of steps to celebrate the LGBT+ community and sharing actions we can all do to push progress further through our “Progress is Made” campaign. Take a look at this year’s campaign video to learn how progress is made. Right here. With you. #ProgressIsMade #IDAHOBIT #IDAHOT #STORSTOMMA