
Z by HP // The Changemakers by Gus Collins

At the end of 2018 we were brought in by Craig Bingham and Redwood Publishing to work on a series of 6 Ambassador films promoting HP’s professional line of Z products.

On this project we provided location sound, original music, sound design and final mixdown - the full audio package!

Aside from being a beautiful series of films, and a great team of people to have worked with, Gus was lucky enough to travel to Alaska, New York, Toronto, Baranquilla in Columbia and Hilversum in Holland. It’s the moments when you’re flying over a glacier in a helicopter that you suddenly realise how much you love your job!

The Changemakers | Visual Artist & Director Shane Griffin | Z by HP In this series, we encounter creative professionals from different backgrounds who have challenged the status quo by choosing technology specifically designed for how they push the boundaries of their craft.
The Changemakers | Artist & Designer Rik Oostenbroek | Z by HP In this series, we encounter creative professionals from different backgrounds who have challenged the status quo by choosing technology specifically designed for how they push the boundaries of their craft.
The Changemakers | Digital Craftsman Alex Trochut | Z by HP In this series, we encounter creative professionals from different backgrounds who have challenged the status quo by choosing technology specifically designed for how they push the boundaries of their craft. How do you craft a feeling?

The remaining films can be viewed here

Huge thanks to the lovely team at Z by HP, the super talented artist ambassadors, Craig Bingham (Director), Valtteri Laihanan (Producer) and everybody involved at every stage of pre, production and post.